Producer of pulses flour
for the food industry
VEGEDRY was created in Vitrolles (13) at the end of 2020, the result of a partnership of more than 10 years between CIACAM and ARTERRIS. It is a young company that rests on solid foundations, made of the well known experience in each of their field of its co-creators and their profound and mutual conviction of the environmental and nutritional virtues of pulses. This partnership is materialized by the construction of an industrial facility dedicated to the manufacture of pulses flour, soon to be completed by a plant protein concentrates production unit.
Founded in 1950, CIACAM is the French leader in the selection and marketing of pulses with 55,000 tons prepared (Cleaning, Sorting, Calibration) at its two sites in Vitrolles (13) and Merville (59) . The Company has historically been involved in the development of French pulses sectors and particularly those from Organic Farming.
ARTERRIS Cooperative takes its roots in Castelnaudary. Founded in 2008, it represents 25,000 farmers from the Occitanie and Paca regions. Its Plant Production division offers farmers production techniques based on productive and ecological agriculture. It is then natural that the cooperative promotes the cultivation of legumes and that it promotes the organic and HVE approaches to its members. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
VEGEDRY has been committed, since its creation, to a CSR approach.
The choice of legumes
Here at VEGEDRY, we believe in a more plant-based and more sustainable, healthy and good diet !
The choice of pulses as raw materials has naturally imposed on us because of their environmental, nutritional and technological advantages :
By their ability to fix nitrogen in the air, their cultivation requires almost no fertilizer, thus limiting local pollution and helping to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Tasty, rich in proteins, sources of fiber, full of vitamins and minerals (iron, magnesium, potassium, ...), with a low glycemic index and all, gluten-free, pulses are powerful allies of a balanced diet.
Les légumineuses, selon leur variété, disposent de qualités fonctionnelles naturelles qui peuvent être recherchées dans les recettes des Industriels de l'Agroalimentaire. (Capacité de rétention d'eau, d’huile, propriétés gélifiantes, émulsifiantes, moussantes...) Pulses, depending on their variety, have natural functional qualities that could revolutionnize some of the Food Industry bestsellers recipes. (Water and oil retention capacity, gelling, emulsifying, foaming properties ...)
For what uses
Our flour are intended exclusively for the Food Industry: Manufacturers of Pasta, Snacking products, Cooked Meals or Specialties, the players in the bakery, Viennoiserie, Pastry, ... are all potential users. For their organoleptic, nutritional and functional properties, they can be incorporated into your new recipes or be a replacement for one or more of your current ingredients (Nutri-Score, Clean Labeling, etc.)
Our flour
Our flour are gluten-free, allergen-free, additive-free, preservative-free and GMO-free.
We are able to have them delivered to you anywhere in France or you can have them collected from our Vitrolles site by the carrier of your choice.
Packaging: 25 kg bags - Big Bag

tool of production

Built in Spring 2021, our production facility complies with the latest standards in terms of food safety and hygiene (Clean Process).
Intended to be flexible and scalable in its design, it offers, from the start, the possibility of supplying native pulses flour. We can also work on personnalized product, adapted to the needs of our customers, such as offering a homogeneous mixture of flour from different pulses
In a short to middle term amount of time, we will produce pulses protein concentrates, obtained by the dry process.


quality and environmental approach

Our ambition : Provide good and well made products !
Quality and Traceability Controls
Our quality department has set up a control plan for both raw materials and finished products in order to ensure full compliance with your specifications and applicable regulations (Microbiology, Contaminants). Traceability is ensured from the integration of legumes in manufacturing until the shipment of our flour. A prevention and control system for risks and dangers is in place on our site in order to prevent any health incident.
Supply quality
Vegedry benefits from the expertise of its co-creators, CIACAM and ARTERRIS, to source, collect and prepare high quality pulses. Favoring regional and national supplies, Vegedry supports the cultivation in France of certain varieties such as the availability of larger quantities of labeled Organic (BIO) and Environnemental (HVE) pulses.
Vegedry is committed to the environmental impact of its activity
Choice of our production tool location : Integrated into the CIACAM site which prepares and stores our pulses, which means no new transport flows.
H²O = 0
Our process is "Dry": no use of water is necessary for the manufacture of our flour.
Waste management
Promotion of all of our co-products
No release of dust into the air
Organic BIO
Customers satisfaction
Ambition shared by all team members, she is expressed by the supply of safe flours, of regular quality, respectful of the specifications entrusted to us but also by listening and responsiveness to requests addressed to us.
Human and Earth are the two pillars of Vegedry. Our Company, through its choices and actions, makes sure to respect them on a daily basis and to promote them to its partners. This is how Vegedry wishes to develop long-lasting, loyal and collaborative partnerships with its customers and suppliers.
If the consumption of pulses is ancestral, the applications integrating flours or concentrates of legumes proteins are still, in part, to invent...
We therefore believe in sharing knowledge and experience with our customers. Sharing that will help us progress and that will allow us to be the bearers of ever more adapted product solutions.
transparent communication
We want to communicate clearly about our strengths, our know-how but also… on our areas of progress. With the desire to do well and to progress, our bias is to transmit information that is always sincere.

contact - us

ZI Les Estroublans, 34 avenue de Rome
13127 Vitrolles